Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Boris Johnson grilled over integrity, bumbles

This Boris Johnson interview on the Andrew Marr show is fantastic. Nothing pleases me more than these old-Etonian Bullingdon club Tories getting a grilling. It's great when the mask slip and you see their true colours. The sense of entitlement and the barely concealed fury is there for all to see when the "plebs" don't kow-tow to them

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson has defended his integrity following revelations made in an upcoming BBC Two Documentary :

Friday, March 08, 2013

How to spot Comet Panstarrs

L4 Pan-Starrs should be visible in the northern hemisphere this month


The BBC have this image on its path across the night sky :



As seen from mid-northern latitudes, Comet Panstarrs might become visible with an optical aid around March 7 or 8. However, the comet will sit in the glow of dusk and will set around 40 to 45 minutes after sunset. By March 12, the comet will be considerably higher in the sky and will set around 75 minutes after sun. What’s more, the comet will be next to the waxing crescent moon on the North American evening of March 12.


Info found here :